Monday, December 17, 2012

Reflections of a Troop Leader

Excerpt from November 2011 issue
Treasure Valley Family Magazine
Publisher’s Thoughts, “The ‘Out’ in Scout”

I’ve been fortunate to have the time (and at one time, the energy!) to be involved with the many activities our daughter was engaged in throughout her life: sports, music, book clubs, and dance, just to name a few. But the one activity that has left the fondest memories for me was being the leader of Brownie Troop 54. When I look through our scrapbook and photos, I reflect back on all the fun things we did in our community and the friendships that we made.

Kathryn Buckingham
We marched in the Veterans Day parade and donated our time to help local groups, the Christmas Shoebox, and Heifer International. We attended performances, participated in a national postcard exchange with other Scouts, studied careers, went rock climbing, hiked and camped. We sold Girl Scout cookies every winter to help the girls learn about money management and fund our troop’s field events, crafts, crafts, and projects. Our vests and sashes were adorned with a variety of badges, pins, and honors.

Fortunately I’m still connected to many of the girls, adult leaders, and friends that I made along the way. It warms my heart occasionally hear a girl say to me, “Remember when we…?”
Liz Buckingham and Kathryn,
celebrating her 18th birthday in
Germany, June 2012

After I was a leader, I volunteered for the Visions© program offered then through the Girl Scouts. Its focus was self-esteem, respect, breaking through barriers and clichés, and preparing for the middle school years. You never know the impact you might have as a volunteer, but I hope, for this different group of girls, that it was a positive experience and offered some help for personal development.

Liz Buckingham, Publisher

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