Monday, February 10, 2014

Meet the 2014 Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Cookie Stars!

In November, Girl Scouts of Silver Sage held a council-wide contest to find this year's Cookie Stars! Girls submitted short videos of their best cookie pitch for the chance to be the face of the 2014 Cookie Season. 

Each winner is featured as a cardboard cutout that will be displayed during booth sales as well as a billboard model for one of our 12 billboards within our council area. 

Winners also participated in a cookie photo shoot, video interview, and are featured on cookie season promotional materials. 

Six winners were selected based on the originality and content of their video. Winning videos will be released each week starting February 19.We had several incredibly talented entries and chose our Super Six Girl Scouts to represent Silver Sage. 

Meet our 2014 Cookie Stars!

Girl Scout cookies are more than a sweet treat. Through cookie sales, girls build a lifetime of skills and confidence. They also earn valuable skills such as goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics.

Cookie pre-sales run January 17 – February 2. Booth sales begin February 28 and end on March 16. Remember when you purchase five boxes in one transaction, you'll receive a certificate to enter into a drawing (via Girl Scouts of Silver Sage’s website) for five cases of cookies!

Need help finding where cookies will be sold? Download the mobile app here:

Friday, February 7, 2014

Girl Scouts Cookie Money is for Girls and Girls' Programs

Dear Girl Scout Family, 

As you know, Girl Scouts of Silver Sage and its 2,300 volunteers deliver relevant, educational leadership programs that build girls of courage, confidence and character who positively impact communities in which they live. We serve 4,400 girls in Southern Idaho parts of Northern Nevada and Eastern Oregon.

Cookie sales, one of our biggest fundraisers to benefit local girls and troops, are underway. As in a few years past, Girl Scouts is being wrongly accused of having a partnership with Planned Parenthood. In particular, The American Family Association is circulating an article that insinuates that “cookie dough”—money earned through cookie sales—is used to support Planned Parenthood. This is false. Neither Girl Scouts USA nor our council has a partnership with Planned Parenthood, and we do not contribute money to the organization for any purpose.
To set the record straight, here is a breakdown of our council’s cookie money: 45.1% for local Girl Scout programs and activities; 24.7% covers the cost of cookies; 13.6% goes to local troops; 6.6% toward girl rewards and “cookie dough,” which can be used for camp, travel, or Girl Scout garb; 6.0% for sales tax; and 4.0% toward cookie program administration.
If you have questions about our cookie program or our stance on social issues, you may refer to the official GSUSA responses here, or call the council at 208-377-2011.


Maureen O’Toole, CEO
Girl Scouts of Silver Sage